谢谢!—— Thankyou.
多谢!-- Thanksa lot.
对不起,麻烦你。——Excuse me..
需要帮忙吗?--CanI help you.
谢谢你的帮助。——Thank you for helping me.
无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.
您好。--How areyou!
初次见面问好。——How do you do!
很高兴见到你。——(It's) nice to meet you.
请问您从哪来。--Whereare you from?
请问贵姓。--Can Ihave your name?
我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...)
很高兴认识你。—— Itwas a pleasure to meet you.
很高兴见到你。——Pleased to meet you.
希望再见到你。——Hope to see you again.
这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again?
玩得快乐--Have agood time.
祝你好运。—— Goodluck.
我希望没事。—— Ihope nothing is wrong.
怎么了?——What's the matter?
糟糕,严重吗?——Oh, no! Is it serious?
我真为你难过。——I'm sorry for you.
一路平安,走好。——Have a safe trip home.
East 东
South 南
West 西
North 北
Left 左
Right 右
Straight on 往 前 直 去
There 那 儿
Front 前 方
Back 后 方
Side 侧 旁
Before 之 前
After 之 后
Firstleft/right 第 一个 转 左 / 右 的 路
2、请问如何前往 ...
Excuse me,How do I get to the ....... ? 请 问 如 何 前 往 ¨ ¨ ¨ ?
How do I getto the airport? 请 问如 何 前 往 机 场 ?
How do I getto the bus station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 公 车 站 ?
How do I get to the metro station? 请问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
( Metro 乃 欧 洲 常 用 字 )
How do I getto the subway station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
( Subway 乃 北 美 洲 常 用 字 )
How do I getto the underground station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
(underground 乃 英国 常 用 字 )
How do I getto the train station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 火 车 站 ?
How do I getto the hotel XXX? 请 问 如 何 前 往 XXX 酒店 ?
How do I getto the police station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 警 局 ?
How do I getto the post office? 请 问 如 何 前 往 邮 政 局 ?
How do I getto the tourist information office? 请问 如 何 前 往 旅 游 资 讯 局 ?
3、请问附近 ...
Excuse me,Is there ....... near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 ...?
Is there abaker near by? 请 问附 近 有 没 有 面 包 店 ?
Is there abank near by? 请 问附 近 有 没 有 银 行 ?
Is there abar near by? 请 问附 近 有 没 有 酒 吧 ?
Is there abus stop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 公 车 站 ?
Is there acafe near by? 请 问附 近 有 没 有 咖 啡 店 ?
Is there acake shop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 西 饼 店 ?
Is there achange bureau near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 找 换 店
Is there achemist's near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 药 剂 师 ?
Is there adepartment store near by? 请问附近有没有百货公司
Is there a disconear by? 请问附近有没有的士高?
Is there ahospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?
Is there a nightclub near by? 请问附近有没有夜总会?
Is there a postbox near by? 请问附近有没有邮政局?
Is there apublic toilet near by? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?
Is there arestaurant near by? 请问附近有没有餐厅?
Is there atelephone near by? 请问附近有没有电话?
Is there atravel agent near by? 请问附近有没有旅游社?
Isthere a youth hostel near by? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?
我會晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。 I'll arrive late, but pleasekeep my reservation.
我在台北已预订房间。 I made a reservation inTaipei.
我想要一间安静一点的房间。 I'd like a quiet room.
我想要楼上的房间。 I'd like a room on theupper level.
我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。I'd like a room with a nice view(a balcony).
随时都有热水供应吗? Is hot water availableany time?
我可以看一看房间吗? May I see the room?
是否还有更大的(更好的/更便宜的)房间? Do you have anything bigger(better/cheaper)?
我要订这间房间。I'll take this room.
麻烦填写这张住宿登记表。Would you fill in this registration form?
这里可使用信用卡(旅行支票)吗? Do you accept credit crads(traveler's checks)?
是否可代为保管贵重物品? Could you keep myvaluables?
餐厅在那儿? Where is the dining room?
餐厅几点开始营业? What time does the diningroom open?
早餐几点开始供应? What time can I have breakfast?
旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗? Is there a beautysalon(barber shop)?
是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片? Can I have a card with thehotel's address?
是否可在此购买观光巴士券? Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bushere?
最近的地铁站在那里?Where is the nearest subwaystation?
请给我菜单。May Ihave a menu,please?
是否有中文菜单?Doyou have a menu in chinese?
在用晚餐前想喝些什麼吗?Wouldyou like something to drink before dinner?
餐厅有些什麼餐前酒? Whatkind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?
可否让我看看酒单? MayI see the wine list?
我可以点杯酒吗?MayI order a glass of wine?
餐厅有那几类酒?Whatkind of wine do you have?
我想点当地出产的酒。I'dlike to have some local wine.
我想要喝法国红酒。 I'dlike to have Frence red wine.
是否可建议一些不错的酒?Couldyou recommend some good wine?
我可以点餐了吗? MayI order,please?
餐厅最特别的菜式是什麼?Whatis the specialty of the house?
餐厅有今日特餐吗?Doyou have today's special?
我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?Can I have the same dish as that?
我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。 I'd like appetizers and meat(fish) dish.
我正在节食中。 I'mon a diet.
我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。I have toavoid food containing fat(salt/suger).
餐厅是否有供应素食餐?Doyou have vegetarian dishs?
你的牛排要如何烹调?Howdo you like your steak?
全熟(五分熟/全生)。 Well done(medium/rare),please.
¥2880元9普吉岛旅游,1晚海景 乐游系列,享游海景普吉岛5晚7天