新都桥镇位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市西部地区,距市区81公里。面积508.3平方公里,人口0.7万。国道318、省道215过境。辖新都桥一、二村, 上柏桑一、二村,下柏桑一、二、三村,拔桑一、二村,东俄洛一、二、三、四村共13个村委会。新都桥是令人神往的“摄影天堂”,地处在公路318国道南、 北线分叉路口,是一片如诗如画的世外桃源。神奇的光线,无垠的草原,弯弯的小溪,金黄的柏杨,山峦连绵起伏,藏寨散落其间,牛羊安详地吃草……川西的平原 风光美丽地绽放。
Xinduqiao Town: also called East Russia, is a town, not a scenic spot. Xinduqiao is at an elevation of about 3300 meters, and there is no prominent landmarks, but along has more than 10 kilometers is called "photographer corridor". Xinduqiao town is located in the western region of Kangding City, Sichuan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Ganzi Province, 81 kilometers away from the urban area. Area of 508.3 square kilometers, a population of. National Highway 318, highway 215 crossing. Xiaman Xinduqiao, er Cun, Bai sang, er Cun, Xia Bai sang one, two, three village, pull sang, er Cun, tongolo one, two, three, and four village a total of 13 village. Xinduqiao is fascinating, "photographic paradise", in highway 318 State Road South, north fork in the road, is a picturesque paradise. Bo Yang magical light, the vast grassland, winding streams, golden, rolling hills, Tibetan villages scattered across the meantime, cattle and sheep peacefully grazing... The beautiful scenery of the plain in Western sichuan.
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