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色 达县全境大部分为典型的丘状高原,西北部溪河密布,排水不畅,沼泽发育。级差小于30度,少数山峰凸出于高原面700-900米,海拔4000米以上为典 型的丘原地貌,相对高度500-1000米;海拔3500以下的巴尔坝河谷地带,河流深切,流水浸蚀严重,为高原山原地貌。总面积中高原面积约占84%; 山原占15%;平坝占1%。


Seda county is a county of Sichuan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Ganzi Province under the jurisdiction of the. Located in the northeast of Ganzi, 31 degrees north latitude 38 degrees 20 '-33', '-101 48 degrees longitude 98 degrees 00'. Located in Sichuan Province, Qinghai Province and ABA, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province Guoluo state intersection, and Rangtang County, Ganzi County, Luhuo County, Shiqu County, dari County, banma county with the Department, east of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Rangtang County, bordering the north and Qinghai Province Baima, dari County, West and south respectively two and Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Ganzi, Luhuo County, adjacent.