拉萨是中国西藏自治区的首府,西藏的政治、经济、文化和宗教中心,也是藏传佛教圣地,拉萨位于西藏高原的中部、喜马拉雅山脉北侧,海拔3650米(要防内 源氧缺乏症),地处雅鲁藏布江支流拉萨河中游河谷平原,拉萨河流经此,在南郊注入雅鲁藏布江。拉萨全年多晴朗天气,降雨稀少,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候宜 人。全年日照时间在3000小时以上,素有“日光城”的美誉。拉萨境内蕴藏着丰富的各类资源,相对于全国和自治区其他地市,具有较明显的资源优势。作为首 批中国历史文化名城,拉萨以风光秀丽、历史悠久、风俗民情独特、宗教色彩浓厚而闻名于世。
Lhasa is the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, Tibet's
political, economic, cultural and religious center, is also a Tibetan
Buddhist holy land Lhasa in Tibet Plateau central, the north side of the
Himalayas, 3650 meters above sea level (to prevent endogenous oxygen
deficiency), is located in the branch of Yarlung Zangbo river flow in
Lhasa River valley plain, the Lhasa River after this, in the southern
suburbs into the Yarlung Zangbo River. Lhasa more than sunny weather
throughout the year, rainfall is scarce, winter without cold, summer
without heat, pleasant weather. Annual sunshine time in more than 3000
hours, known as "Sun City" in the world. The territory of Lhasa is rich
in resources, and has obvious advantages compared with other cities in
the country and autonomous region. As the first batch of Chinese
historical and cultural city, Lhasa to beautiful scenery, long history,
unique customs, religious color rich and famous to the world
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- ¥4880起 10 Days Lhasa, Everest Base Camp and Namtso Lake Tour
- ¥4180起 8 Days Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Tour
- ¥4880起 8 Days Central Tibet and Namtso Tour
- ¥4280起 6-Days Lhasa and Shigatse Tour
- ¥5680起 【热销线】越野拼车A线:川藏南线-海螺沟+稻城亚丁10日游
- 暂无
发表于09-24 05:37布达拉宫1号通道和2号通道旅游攻略,布达拉宫门票多少钱?布达拉宫一号线参观时间是每日9:00到16:00,最长参观时间为2小时30分钟。西藏旅游来到拉萨,布达拉宫是必玩景点!一号线是参观布宫的经典路线,让你领略这座古老宫殿的壮丽风光。 -
- 392
- 0
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- 6天,2024-9,¥4600
发表于07-16 04:49 -
- 181
- 0
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- 1天,2024-1,¥5000